Alhazred VonTe


Age: 44

Skin: Brown

Eye color: dark brown

From: Palsynix --> Folklorn --> Kittana Covey

Affiliation: Black Oath Society --> Legion Empire

Class: Swordsman

Height: 6'2

Weigh: 241

Gifts: Sun Kross

appearance: average black drizzled-hair, has a hoop earring(right ear), black drawstring sweater, brown battle pants, black war boots

personality: silly, skilled, clever, brave, helpful, loving

Alhazred was born in Palsynix being the only child as his mother an father provided the best for him in his early life wanting him to have his own crew to sail the seas just like his father once did, sailing the popular seas of Alkanton Aimes where you catch the best sea creatures. In his mid-life he self-trained to become a fighter at heart and also something more for his parents, his father did not like his plan wanting to become a soldier for Palsynix, he felt that it would have been ignorant. In Alhazred's later life, still in Palsynix he thought it was time for him to move out an find something to do. His Mother did not want him to leave, but his father was highly disappointed in him an his life choices, so his father kicked him out. When Alhazred was on his way down to the docks to take his leave to "Folklorn" he was approached by the Black Oath Society member that was named "Makeuri". She told Alhazred her mission and why she wanted him to join forces to see if he was interested or not and to see if he was truly worth his skills Makeuri spied on when Alhazred was self-training, he accepted the offer knowing he had nothing to lose.


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