Sariyah Arvansan
Age: 20
Eye Color: Crystal Blue
Skin: White
From: Icelinvarghd --> Now lives in Kittana Covey
Class: (Mage) *Ice Caster /*Enchantist
Weigh: 168
Height: 5'2
personality: skilled, helpful, brave, team-player and loving
appearance: long black hair with a crystal pendant on the left side of her head, wears a sky blue dress tunic with an "A" symbol (representing her families band)
Sariyah is known by her wealthy family the Arvansan's that grew up in Icelinvarghd. In Sariyah's early life she was a student for Brosthelm Inn learning about the world and how their region laws are. Sariyah also was known for her fascinating work in the Element art Tavern for Brosthelm, performing her ice artifacts for the audience giving them a sight of beauty. When Sariyah was finished with half of her school work, she took some time off with her family celebrating, her accomplishments giving Brosthelm the award for being one of the greatest artists in the region, competing with Dimboore Valley, Verosia and Alpamosco, all of the inspired Kingdoms participated. in Sariyah's later life, she thought it was time to move on and find better living and be more responsible for herself, Sariyah moved to Kittana Covey to experience and live through their culture and how they function with reality.
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