Makeuri Espodor

 Age: 38

Eye color: light brown

Skin: White

Class: Daggerist/Cloakin/Illusionist

From: Palsynix --> Folklorn

Affiliation: Black Oath Society

Height: 5'3

Weigh: 144lb

appearance: black short-hair, black-hooded tunic with armored shoulder-pads, wears brown draw-string pants, light-weight black boots, wears a purple crystal necklace.

personality: silent, bold, loyal, respectful, skilled, protective

Makeuri was born in Palsynix along with her step brother "Syron". Makeuri did not know her real parents when she was becoming a teenager, in Makeuri's early life, she was always quiet an never really socialize with no one when she was in school but her step-brother, he was the only one that knew Makeuri on how she feels. In her later life in Palsynix, she finished her schooling and started to learn a little bit about combat with Syron and thought about joining the Palsarian Force for better payments when they were out on their own knowing the Palsynix school were their only provision on survival. When Makeuri was decent enough with her skills in combat in her early life, she thought it would be a good choice to join the Palsarians to show them that she has what it takes to be a soldier for her community until, she met someone that was highly convincing, a man named Derekonis. Makeuri and her brother took the opportunity to join the Black Oath Society on an agreement of the terms by following orders of whatever assignment that needs to be done. Makeuri and her brother both moved to Folklorn to do jobs with the Oath Society to earn a successful living, and she loved it an cherished it for granted, saying it was her desire for action to the leader of the Black Oath Society.


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